Boat on Phewa Lake

So here I am. The Eve of the big Everest trek. For a month I’ve traveled through India and Nepal. Alone — but not completely as I met many wonderful people along the way who were a conversation partner in a hostel, on a train, in the Ashram – wherever. But for the majority of this, I rode of the wave of culture shock and entering a new country alone.

December of last year I decided to join the Love Hope Strength Foundation on their next charity fund-raising expedition. For 19 days a group of 26 have signed up to take a 100-mile journey up to the First Base Camp of Mount Everest. Enduring a true mountain experience. We’ll be staying at huts and lodges along the way. Sometimes a shower, or not. While I have ideas of what may come, I’ve tried not to think too much about it. For as La Lita Ji said “Thinking about tomorrow is losing today.”
And I just want to experience it all as it comes.

For months I trained for this trip – to prepare myself physically and mentally. With the help of friends and family (and their friends and family) we raised over $10,500 for Love Hope Strength — and am forever grateful to all those who helped support me & foundation, and your strength will help me as I journey up the mountain. I’ve been carrying the set of Prayer Flags with all your family names in my day pack every day as well and It’s been quite incredible journey up until this point. I feel like I’ve truly opened my heart for the and am so content. I really am “in the now” and it’s a most fantastic feeling.

And now, the evening before we head out on this journey, I’m biggest fear of all. -The small plane to Lukla. I won’t go any details as I’ve decided that I’m not going to think about it anymore. And came up with my own personal little mantra:

Paragliding over Pokhara

Fear is just a thought. Worry accomplished nothing.

I’ve gone on insane bus rides throughout India and night where the buses and truck drivers play chicken with one another. I’ve gone for a soul-cleansing dip in the Gange River. I went paragliding in Pokhara. Also rented a scooter in Pokhara and ended up in the middle of a random festival on the street (near the gorge entrance) and before I knew it was dancing with a crowd of 100 watching. I’ve traveled in many different rickshaws and taxis, and gotten into random vehicles with men that are supposed to be taxi drivers, but all the vehicles really look the same and sometimes I’ve wondered. But hey – I’ve made it safe all those times and when riding in a bicycle rickshaw down the wrong one on a busy street as well.

But most of all I’ve been worried about this flight. Worried and fearful.  But no more. I’m just letting it go for worry doesn’t accomplish anything. I’m going to take a few deep breaths and then will finish packing and go on the most amazing trek – perhaps of my lifetime. And I’m going to love every minute of it too.


My favorite image of the man dancing with me on the street.



Follow the expedition here: