Screen Shot 2013-10-07 at 1.34.03 AMIt’s wonderful and amazing how the universe places messages directly in front of us. And how easy they are to overlook when we are too caught up in our heads – not mind, but in our heads, concocting ideas that clash against nature.

Life really is a beautiful thing. A series of un-choregraphed events that unfold perfectly in front of us.

When things are going badly, I think we fail to see these messages – or, if we see them, we fail to stop and listen because we are so caught up in the random chaos that bounces like a million super balls in our heads that we can’t differentiate a message from our own destructive thoughts.

But when we slow down, and become an observer and participant in LIFE, things go smoother. Life begins to flow.

Happy occurances take place. Random joyful conversations with strangers ensue. The sighting of a beautiful event in nature, the sounds of a timely song, the loving touch of a friend. We can start to feel the joy of life again.

The air smells sweeter.

Lights are more vibrant and beautiful.

Our hearts begin to glow.

Sometimes this task of just BEING can seem so incredibly difficult. We TRY to make life happen – force it, even – the way we want for it to be. The way the THINK it should happen in our brains.

But that is impossible to achieve. Why?

Because life is a series of millions and millions of events that are happening simultaneously across the world – all to beautifullly create where we are now. What we are seeing. How things are unfolding around us. No one can ever predict (or control) all the events that lead up to this moment right now. Or the next moment. Or the next. It happens as it will, regardless of what our gripping desires dictate.

I TRY and TRY to relax – but trying won’t allow the chaos in my mind to slow. It won’t allow life unfold as it should. It becomes an upstream battle in the middle of a deluge. An attempt to put out a fire with a thimble.

Trying isn’t being. Trying is a battle.

This forced inception won’t create life, but rather it creates anxiety, tension, disappointment and grief. Just as you can’t force a butterfly to fly in a straight line, you can’t live a beautiful and joyous life through strong-willed determination.

And what would a butterfly be if it didn’t flutter beautifully in the wind.

Being, just being, is the most simplest of ways and it’s within us all – we were born that way, but have lost sight of this through the inundation of ideals, thoughts, words and expectations of others, and then ourselves.

Let go of your wants and desires, your crafted idologies of what you want your life to look like and how you THINK you want it to be — for the plan that is ever-developing in this universe is for more great and gorgeous than anything we could ever possibly imagine.

Live. Love. Let go and just be.
