I’m wonderfully content.

Forever I wished for ‘happiness’, and the American Dream. But I have realized that desiring that dream only left me feeling empty inside. That I never was fulfilled or had what I ‘wanted’, often feeling alone in a room with others and never satisfied with my life.

So I redirected my energies toward being content.


Not happy, but content. Good with what I have, and good with what I don’t have. And honestly, for the first time ever, I feel truly content. There is nothing I need that I don’t already have, and no sad empty spaces inside of my heart. I hope this feeling lasts, and I feel it will – as I’ve worked a long time for this moment. Here, in Nepal, alone on Thanksgiving I am content. And happy. And full 🙂 (steak, not turkey)

I wish you all contentness this and every day.
